
Mood Music for a WIP

I dare anyone to listen to Billy Currington sing “Don’t it” and not get in a better mood.

Right now, it’s the mood music I’m listening to while I work on book three in my Love and Chocolate series.

Shhh:  It’s the hero’s theme song.

Accepting the Inevitable

(c) Ruud Morjin/dollarphotoclub

(c) Ruud Morjin/dollarphotoclub

Did you ever have a day get derailed?  Or a life, maybe?  There you are, driving along, minding your own business, full of plans, when suddenly someone t-bones you or if not so serious, a huge truck stops and you can’t drive around.

So what do you do – drum your fingers on the steering wheel or lay on the horn?  Maybe mutter or yell a few choice words (I wonder why Southern people say “Pardon my French” right after they swear.)  Not that the swearing changes the reality, but it’s a way of railing against the unfairness of the world.

But is it unfair?

Today I’m stuck in bed with the flu, not daring to venture farther than ten feet from a bathroom.  All my beautiful plans are put on hold, and my brain is so foggy any new plans would probably be embarrassing when I regain normalcy.

So what do I do?  Rather than focus on the disaster on the road in front of me, I’m going to look at the weeds blooming on the side of the road.


I’m moving my blog

Howdy.  I’m moving my blog to my new website beverlyfarr.com

Those of you who have subscribed by email, you should still get emails, and if you followed with wordpress.com, you should still see my stuff in your reader.

Thanks for following me.

And just so you know, there is a lot of fun stuff happening.

Moving Day

(c) Elnur/Dollar Photo Club

My Jane Austen fan fiction (under the penname JANE GRIX)  is going well, and I’m finally going to get back to the Love and Chocolate Series . . .

Thanks for reading,
